Tuesday 9 November 2010

2 elderly women with falls

fayth presented the case of an 86-year-old woman with a 'mechanical' fall

we remembered dr hayman's assertion that there is no such thing as a mechanical fall!

rory also mentioned an 85-year-old woman with a more dramatic fall
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we reviewed possible causes of loss of consciousness (which she did not have? but the 85-year-old woman rory saw did)

- cardiac (rhythm, valve)
- stroke (anterior, posterior, limb weakness)
- epilepsy (new onset in elderly space occupying lesion till proven otherwise)
- vaso-vagal
- postural hypotension
- anaemia
- infection
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we talked about the critical nature of the history which needs to be taken in great detail

eg when, where, what next etc

specific questions are also important, eg palpitations? post-event sleepiness? position?

there is a bit more on this subject in the case from 5-7-10

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rory nicely presented his patient's social history

she was cooking for herself, shopping for herself and going out to visit friends

an excellent level of function

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fayth's lady also had type II diabetes and aortic stenosis, both important things to consider

eg oral hypoglycaemic OD [what was the BM], critical aortic stenosis

unfortunately we were not able to examine her
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we did look at her ECG

she had LAD & LBBB

we concluded it was essential to find out if this was new, which could be due to an MI

we also enacted the 6 ECG limbs leads and thought of a quick method to determine raxis (one of the 3 Rs of ECg analysis!)

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comments welcome



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