Monday 21 June 2010

a 28 year old west african with acute renal failure

a very interesting case this morning - thanks saaid

things to learn:

  1. features of anaphylaxis
  2. features of angioedema
  3. what is C1-esterase inhibitor deficiency
  4. emergency management of acute renal failure (how did we know it was acute?)
  5. investigation of acute renal failure
  6. ECG signs of hypo- & hyper-kalaemia
  7. indications for urgent dialysis
  8. causes of low Na
  9. causes of low K
  10. causes of low platelets
  11. causes secondary hypertension
  12. clinical features of aortic dissection (benton episode - anyone know? also of note is that gerard houllier had an acute dissection in 2001)

things i learnt:

- 1 patient can teach us a lot of things
- following up patients is crucial, if we never put together the whole story, ie one with and 'end' we never really understand things
- those algorithms about what to do if x happens are only good up to a point, what you/i need is awareness of those algorithms + experience of applying them to real people


- if he had not had a reaction to a medication would he be dead now? [are we sure it was drug-related?]
- if he came into casualty tomorrow & you were the house officer, would you know how to treat him?


- davdisons cases has a good case about C1-esterase inhibitor deficiency

anyone find anything else?

1 comment:

  1. Just to f/u this guy. Renal biopsies showed only damage secondary to hypertension. He refused dialysis and DNA'd all subsequent appointments, so we never got an 'answer'
